
[UK life] Little things about Clara

I have been talking about my roommate Clara on Facebook time afetr time.
But still many things have I not talked about.

We talk a lot after dinner, walking upstairs into our rooms or going outside to sit on the bench at the backyard, every evening.

I enjoy this moment between us very much, not only because I can practice speaking English but also because I speak true feelings instaed of facial ones despite the poor vocaburary. So it makes sense that we use some body languages,faces or sounds which are mixed in our English coversation.And I love that parts as well. HA! 

As I have just said previously, we talk a lot, from political, historical and cultrual topics to some things about family, relationship,touristic and so on.

Yesterday was a lovely sunny day.
(I always have to describe something by starting with the weather  in the UK becasue it would be easier to understand the atmosphere to me at that time.)

As long as the weather is nice, I become happy easily and sort of "undefeatable" mentally, maybe.
Hence I got well-prepared and well-dressed for the first time in the UK to go out to enjoy my lovely sunny Sunday.
Before my leaving, Clara said " You look very sexy today!!" I smiled her back, saying thanks and getting a goodbye hug, then we separated into each one's trip. 

I took a tour bus to Quenn's ferry to see the Forth Bridge, a hundred-year old  and magnificent masterpiece of engineering.Then I went on  to Holyrood palace, which is a totally opposite direction of the harbor.
Because it was too good to give up or keep away from sunlight. ^__^

To sum up, I went home in a delightful mood at around eight.

After finishing my dinner,  we chatted in Clara's room as usual.
Clara asked me a lot of questions, maybe ten,about the location of Queen's Ferry, a small conflict between Helen and her...blahblah.

The final question she asked is this.

"Did you meet your lover today?  You really look sexy and pretty today. Did you?"
"You mean today? in the morning? or from the morning to now?"
" In the whole day. Even when you were back at the dinning table. You smiled to me and looked beautiful. Why? Didn't you meet your lover? LOVER."
"No...and why?"
"You must have met someone or fall in love with soneone."

Then I thought of one interesting thing which I did keep in mind for a while today. 

"Maybe I did!! But not me, it's the bus driver!! Maybe he fell in love with me."
"He?...a what?"
"A bus driver."   
 "How? Why?"

Then I satred to explain what heppened to me.
'When I took a bus to North Bridge in the afternoon, there were many cars on the road. The bus was waiting to approach the stop where I wanted to get off. However there was still a distance, not long but no short,between the bus and the stop.'

(In the UK, buses follow a rule that they only pick up or let off passengers when the bus is exactly right on the specific postion of the stop. Someday in rush hour, I had been waiting on the pavement to get on the bus for 30mins just because there were about 5 or 6 buses ahead.)   

'While I was waiting, the bus driver who is a young man asked me,"You wanna get off here?" I said, "Yes.Thank you." and then he opened the door to let me get off even we were not that close to the stop. Then I heard he saying some words in his mouth. However, as you know, my English is not good enough. So I didn't know the exact words. But I think I heard one word "Charm", maybe he said "you're welcome because you're charming." or "I am charmed"...something like that. And he smiled very friendly. So maybe he fell in love with me!'

Clara looked at me with a face shown "I don't believe it" and suddenly took up her dictionary.

 'Or, maybe, he was not saying"CHARM" to you...let me check...oh! yes,maybe he said "Champion",yeah..."Hey!chaaaaaampion!" hahaha...'
 'What is the word connected to me? It doesn't make any sense!'
 'Of course it does!! Because you are a "woman" and you are a "Asian". He might thought a asian woman is unable to know how to get off the bus. But you did! So he said "Wow, well done!! CHAMPIONNNN~~~" Hahaha...'
  'What a  bull shit! It's nonsense!!'

 'Or, maybe...oh I got another one. This word..."Channel"...yeah,"Channel"...Hahaha...'
 'What on earth is that? I still think "charm" is the most likly to be the right one.'
 'Maybe, there is a CHANNEL and he wanted to remind you...You said you were on the North Bridge, right? Didn't you see any channel...Hahaha... '
 'Why you started the beautiful question but ended it like that!!'

Clara was completely enjoy herslef in this game and couldn't stop turning pages of her dictionay.

 'Or ,or...yes,uh...hahaha...maybe "chapel"...yes!! He must have said that.'
 'I have no connection with this word!! You're really bullshit!'
 'Of course you do!! haha...ummm...Because you are a WOMAN,and, you are a ASIAN, obviously.Haha... He thought you were a tourist for sure.So he introduced the chapel to you...you know there are really a lot of churches, kirks and "CHAPELS"...right?Hahah...'

 'Do you always learn new vocaburaries by laughing at your friends like this?'
 'Haha...It's a good way, isn't it? (stilling looking down at the dictionary) Oh, maybe "CHAR"...ohoh, terrible, it's really terrible...poor Sunny...'
 'What's that? What does "Char" mean? I don't know that word...'
 'C-H-A-R,CHAR,forget it, you wouldn't like to know it. It's not good, a bad word...Hahaha...'

Although I ketp on staring at her and cursing her, I couldn't help laughing as well as her at the mean while.

I found another lovely bullshit friend far far far away from my country.
It's really a miracle. ^___^


2 則留言:

鍾阿布 提到...


夏天的小太陽五號 提到...

坦白說我也覺得我是Wilde上身,以及Clara是我的Dorian Gray,所以我才有辦法寫這些,但我本人也無法變成他,所以希望他永遠不要退駕。